Monitoring Wells
Water levels are actually rising over time, not declining.
Needham Road
Monitoring Well 6 Yrs of Continuous Water Level Data
Mintdale West
Monitoring Well 6 Yrs of Continuous Water Level Data
White School Road
Monitoring Well 6 Yrs of Continuous Water Level Data and Irrigation Pumping
Stream Gages
Measuring stations that monitor the water level (or “stage”) in the stream.
Prairie River at Needham
Gage 4 Stream Stage
Dowagiac Creek at Dutch Settlement Road
Gage 9 Stream Stage
Midwest Water Stewards Data at the USGS
The Groundwater Watch program provides access the real water level data that is verified by United State Geologic Survey staff to meet a strict set of quality standards. The data shows long-term and seasonal water level trends, and is useful for seeing and predicting environmental impacts.
Scan or click on any QR code to see data from our local monitoring wells included in the USGS Groundwater Watch site.